Monday, July 21, 2008

9 month Photo shoot!

We had so much fun at Coen's 9 month photo shoot! Aunt Audrey and Brandi were here to help out, which was much needed and appreciated! I now know, without a doubt, that I will NEVER seek a career in child photography. How exhausting!!! I have never made so many silly noises, stupid faces, or felt more like a performing monkey than I did this weekend. But, after all was said and done, I couldn't be more pleased with the results! In reference to the last picture...for all you Longhorn fans, I'm sorry, but we were compelled by our unwavering devotion to the Razorbacks to document Coen's feelings on camera.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Water baby!!

Here are a couple of pictures taken throughout the summer of Coen and his swimming excursions. As previously mentioned, this boy loves water, so swimming has become one of his favorite summer activities. The last two pictures are of Coen and his two best friends, Livi and Will. We can't wait to put these pictures in their high school yearbook in 18 years!
He is definitely keeping us busy! He started crawling at 7 months and very shortly after began pulling up and cruising on the furniture. Oh, and for all of you that were wondering...he finally got some teeth!