Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Coen 16 months

Here are some pictures that Coen and his Nana had taken a couple of weekends ago. He was in an awesome mood, as demonstrated in the photos! For those of you saying to yourselves, "when is she going to cut his hair?", I will cut it when I want to!!!! I love his hair and don't care if people refer to him as a girl even though I dress him in very masculine clothes. People were calling him a girl before his hair got this long, so nothing really has changed. Sorry it's been so long since I've updated with new pictures, Coen keeps me on my toes!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Coen 14 months

Hello? Hello? Um, mom, something is wrong with this phone...
Aunt Audrey got me this shirt! Ladies, look out!!!

Did Mom ever tell you how much I love remotes?

This bowl is empty...is that all there is?

I LOVE Yogurt!! Dad wanted to see what a mohawk would look like with my long hair, since mom refuses to cut it. I was using my spoon to eat the yogurt but gave up and decided to use my fingers instead. Mom said it was like when you are eating at a Chinese restaurant, using chopsticks, and give up and use your fork because it's so much easier!

My 1st Tattoos! "Bad Boy 4 Life"

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Coen's 1st Birthday!!!

Here is Coen's gift from Mommy and Daddy. He absolutely loves it!!! Now, if we can just teach him how to steer it...
Coen with Livi, the ladybuy and Will, the pirate. Getting them to share is lots of fun!!!

Coen finally dug into his cake after a few minutes! Then, he sat there and ate it in a daze for like 20 minutes. I wish I knew what he was thinking.
Coen loves chocolate cake!!!
Pumpkin Cake with Candy Corns!!
It was hard opening the presents in a timely fashion because Coen wanted each of them to be removed from the packaging. Reasoning with a 1-year old is an oxymoron.
How cute is Livi-bug?!! And, last, but not least, Coen's Ninja pose.
We decided to celebrate the end of Coen's 1st year with a costume party for the kiddos! As you can see, Coen requested to be a ninja. We had a great turn out, that resulted in a ladybug, a pirate, a bumble bee, 4 batmans (thanks to the Menard boys), and a cat. Everyone had a great time, and NONE of the kids had a meltdown!! I mean, what are the chances of that when you have 10 kids under the age of 5 all together? Coen got way too many toys, and an insane amount of clothes (thanks to Aunt Audrey). What a day!!! And, to top it all off, the Razorbacks won!!! Go HOGS!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Daddy's __ Birthday!

Here are some pictures of our celebration of Jonathan's birthday. I agreed not to mention his age, so he is now one of those people that celebrates his 29th birthday every year. It was a perfect day and the weather was just as beautiful! Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mashed Potatoes!!!!

Long time, no post! Sorry, as I'm sure everyone else is, we've been busy this summer. Coen is now 10 1/2 months and surprises us everyday. Above are some pictures we took last night of Coen enjoying his favorite food, mashed potatoes. Jonathan tried to warn me of the mess that would be created from letting Coen feed himself, but I couldn't resist! Hey, he was going to have a bath after dinner anyway. Whenever Coen even sees mashed potatoes, he starts laughing and making "mmmm" noises. Too cute!! When he first started eating solid foods, Coen would eat anything you put on the spoon. I thought, this is great, maybe I would be spared from having to repay my dues from being such a picky eater as a child. Nope. I never knew how frustrating it could be to get a child to eat a nutritious diet. If only Coen could live off a diet of mashed potatoes, ritz crackers, and Nillas!

Next, I'm going to try to post a video clip of Coen WALKING!!!!!!! Yep, he took 4 steps yesterday! I've been told our lives will never be the same, but I recognize that truth everyday with this little man.  

Monday, July 21, 2008

9 month Photo shoot!

We had so much fun at Coen's 9 month photo shoot! Aunt Audrey and Brandi were here to help out, which was much needed and appreciated! I now know, without a doubt, that I will NEVER seek a career in child photography. How exhausting!!! I have never made so many silly noises, stupid faces, or felt more like a performing monkey than I did this weekend. But, after all was said and done, I couldn't be more pleased with the results! In reference to the last picture...for all you Longhorn fans, I'm sorry, but we were compelled by our unwavering devotion to the Razorbacks to document Coen's feelings on camera.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Water baby!!

Here are a couple of pictures taken throughout the summer of Coen and his swimming excursions. As previously mentioned, this boy loves water, so swimming has become one of his favorite summer activities. The last two pictures are of Coen and his two best friends, Livi and Will. We can't wait to put these pictures in their high school yearbook in 18 years!
He is definitely keeping us busy! He started crawling at 7 months and very shortly after began pulling up and cruising on the furniture. Oh, and for all of you that were wondering...he finally got some teeth!