Monday, September 15, 2008

Mashed Potatoes!!!!

Long time, no post! Sorry, as I'm sure everyone else is, we've been busy this summer. Coen is now 10 1/2 months and surprises us everyday. Above are some pictures we took last night of Coen enjoying his favorite food, mashed potatoes. Jonathan tried to warn me of the mess that would be created from letting Coen feed himself, but I couldn't resist! Hey, he was going to have a bath after dinner anyway. Whenever Coen even sees mashed potatoes, he starts laughing and making "mmmm" noises. Too cute!! When he first started eating solid foods, Coen would eat anything you put on the spoon. I thought, this is great, maybe I would be spared from having to repay my dues from being such a picky eater as a child. Nope. I never knew how frustrating it could be to get a child to eat a nutritious diet. If only Coen could live off a diet of mashed potatoes, ritz crackers, and Nillas!

Next, I'm going to try to post a video clip of Coen WALKING!!!!!!! Yep, he took 4 steps yesterday! I've been told our lives will never be the same, but I recognize that truth everyday with this little man.  

1 comment:

Sondra said...

Who says you can't live off mashed potatoes and cookies? I have many patients with that diet. He looks so terrific. I love the messy baby. Jonathan looks messy, too. Did Coen share?